Fox Business host suggests Christine Blasey Ford's report of sexual assault by Kavanaugh is motivated by politics

Trish Regan: "​Is it possible​ that​ she might see ​this as her civic duty, that she is somehow saving her gender, saving women, saving the country, and saving the Democratic Party by preventing this nomination?"​

​From the September 19 edition of Fox Business' Intelligence Report with Trish Regan:​

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​​TRISH REGAN​ (HOST)​: Do you think there​'​s a chance that you know, maybe, I'm just saying, ​I mean ​she has political leanings that are clearly to the left. ​She's a Democrat --​

JESSICA TARLOV​ (FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR)​: She's given like $10 to the DNC, this isn​'​t​ like​ a liberal activist. 

​REGAN: She​'​s​ a​ professor​ --​


​REGAN: ​W​e've done enough stories on academia to figure those guys​ out, and gals. ​​Is it possible​ that​ she might see ​this as her civic duty, that she is somehow saving her gender, saving women, saving the country, and saving the Democratic Party by preventing this nomination?


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