Watch A Fox Host Criticize Sub Prime Loans, Then Defend Trump Selling Sub Prime Loans In The Same Segment

From the May 24 edition of Fox News' The Five:

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GREG GUTFELD (CO-HOST): By the way, she's wrong on that. So what if he said he could make money off it? It was the liberals' fault for that whole implosion.

ERIC BOLLING (CO-HOST): Yeah. can I do this?

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE (CO-HOST): That's a businessman, said moving in to take advantage of an opportunity.

BOLLING: I don't know who's putting that -- who put that ad together, hopefully it wasn't a campaign. Now, I hope it was a super-PAC, because that was a terrible idea, Highlight the fact that your husband created the housing bubble that you just put in that ad. They're called no-no loans. No job, no income, no problem, we'll give you a loan and that was a Bill Clinton, Chris Dodd, Barney Frank idea, to get people with low income homes in America, the American dream, and it threw out all these loans. Well, it inflated during the late 90's, early 90's, late 90's, and it burst in 2007, 2008. You can -- you can literally find the paper trail or whatever's the, the crumbs --

GUTFELD: Community Reinvestment Act.

BOLLING: Yeah, Community Reinvestment Act.


BOLLING: The Clinton administration pushed the regulations. The one time there was anti-regulation.


JUAN WILLIAMS (CO-HOST): Let me just tell you, there's no question that Donald Trump was all about selling subprime mortgages to make money as Americans were suffering.

BOLLING: Legally, legally.

GUILFOYLE: He was a businessman, doing that at the time.


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